Friday, February 13, 2009

Wolfgang's Steakhouse (take 2)/Vanilla

Posted by Jen Ko at 7:35 PM
This is a very late post for J's birthday. We went to Wolfgang's steakhouse and I got him a cake. He is a big steak lover.

Hi Everyone! *wave*

I thought this was the best water I've ever tasted. J was at Fresh and Easy and bought it for me but for some reason the second time I had it I didn't think it was that great. 

the bread basket was a lot better this time. The bread was actually hot. 

This is what I don't understand.. I took J to eat stinky tofu hot pot on Garvey and he couldn't even stand it. This happened when we first met so he was a gentleman about it BUT not he would never go back there again. There, you see is Roquefort cheese, it's a kind of blue cheese and I just laugh because there's mold in it!! and they're both stinky so I don't understand how one can like this but not the other. 
The bacon is soo good!! Thick and crispy! Wynn buffet has very very good bacon as well.
Steak for two- This time, it was lacking. Kind of disappointed because it didn't have the juiciness it did last time. Since it was new years day maybe some of the chefs had the day off?

German potatoes were so good this time around. 

*I think everything except the steak improved. I think it might be because people complained about the lacking sides. I think this place is either a hit or miss but I still think it's better then CUT.  
mochi my mom bought somewhere. I think little Tokyo
rice on the inside and azuki beans on the outside. My favorite type of mochi

J's cake from Vanilla on San Gabriel and Huntington. 
I don't like cakes with mousse but this one was surprisingly good. It was a type of strawberry cake. Sorry, I can't remember. 

Happy Birthday!

Wolfgang's Steakhouse
445 N Canon Dr
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
(310) 385-0640

Vanille de Patisserie
2998 Huntington Dr
San Marino, CA 91108
(626) 286-3600

1 comments on "Wolfgang's Steakhouse (take 2)/Vanilla"

Anonymous said...

Wolfgang's an LA fave... 1 of these days I'll make it...

looks great!